Office Living | Mapiful

Our office space is a constant work in progress, mostly because our minds change so often. We keep our walls white, blank, and empty - simply for self-imagination. Other than our Harry Potter art (that is still on sale over at Nan Lawson's website), we don't have much hanging. After some contemplation, we decided that we needed something that encapsulates our dream. 

Portland is probably our most favorite place to visit, and one day, we hope to pack up and station there. That might be in the far distance, but it's still something we daydream about. So, we set out to find a beautiful map of Portland to hang over our play corner (which is also a new addition to our space!). We stumbled upon Mapiful, a custom map maker, and fell in love. It was so easy to make, and has so many neat options too. If you have a particular place you love - whether or a spot in the park or even your home, you can pinpoint the exact location right onto your map! 

Our Portland map was printed - simple, beautiful, and clean. Just how we like our decor, and we couldn't be more pleased. 

C'mon, how perfect is this? And that about sums up on wall decor... for now.