Twilight Boys imitate Rob and Kristen

Michael Welch, Guri Weinberg, Alex Meraz, and Bronson Pelletier are part of the "Twilight" series. They know they fans, they love the fans, and the fans go wild for them. Watch the video as the boys do their best imitation of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, their co-stars.


The feature was photographed by Amanda Elkins and styled beautifully by Lyndzi Trang.

Get your copy of Zooey today on stands!

Meet TJ Thyne and Zooey Magazine!

Want to come meet TJ Thyne from FOX’s hit show #Bones? How about meeting the staff of Zooey Magazine? UCLA’s SEBN is hosting the Zooey Magazine Q and A Panel for those interested in the entertainment industry and interested in interning. Applications will be available on site and panelists are available to speak with: 1. TJ Thynes (FOX’s BONES) - Film and Acting 2. Lucia Tran (Editor-in-Chief and CEO of ZOOEY) - Journalism and Entrepreneurship 3. Derek Wood (Photography Director) - Photography 4. Lyndzi Trang (Creative Director) - Fashion 5. Jane Lee (Marketing Manager) - Marketing/Public Relations

Event is available for the public. Non-students will be charged a $5.00 fee. Bruins will have free admission.

Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Location: Broad 2160E

For any questions or concerns, please contact Tiffany David at Please click on the links below to learn more about SEBN. This event is courtesy of UCLA Anderson’s Center for MEMES. chapter http://www.studentgroups.u MEMES: http://www.anderson.ucla.e du/x719.xml Photo of TJ Thyne by Amanda Elkins (

Return to Forever: 1970s meets the 21st century

Return to ForeverWhere the 1970s meets the 21st century


Photographed by Diana King Stylist: Lyndzi Trang Stylist's Assistant: Jacqueline Nguyen Makeup: Shelly Samia Hair: Gaelle Secretin Photographer's Assistants: Kevin Burnstein and Kevin Kozicki Models: Logan (Wilhelmina) and Amanda (Photogenics) Location: The Bissell House in Pasadena